
2008 - Internet network development for the Home for children deprived from parential care “Mladen Antonov” in Totleben

2008 - Organization of medicine supply by Balkanpharma - Razgrad for the Social Home for children deprived from parential care “Mladen Antonov” in Totleben

2007-2008 - Projects for Renovation of the roof and second-floor of the School (former Logopaedic school) in Totleben village, Pordim municipality, Pleven region submitted to the Embassy of Japan for the Grants assistance for grassroots human security projects (GGP)

2007 - Project, submitted in the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation “Social adaptation and Civic realization of children from DDVLRG „Ml. Antonov” in Totleben village, Region Pleven through acquisition of new professional knowledge and discipline

2008 - Realization of a project, funded by the National Endowment Fund “13 Centuries of Bulgaria” – REVIVAL OF A BULGARIAN SCHOOL ACCORDING TO THE EUROPEAN STANDARDS in Totleben village, region Pleven, TRADITIONS, RENOVATION, EQUALITY IN RIGHTS - II
 >> Moments in pictures from the program within the project

2007-2008 - For the whole 2007 and 2008 years volunteers have done more than 1500 hours of free service per year, preparing and realizing the projects, suggested by the Foudation in different competitions, as well as working on a web site and other current organizational activities of the Foundaton.

2006 - assigning a task for preparation and preparation of a project, submitted in the Ministry of education and science of Bulgaria in the competition for Young talents for 2006 on the topic of “WEB School – a first step for e-school” The project has developed a WEB site for on-line management of the schools and aims to apply it to DOVDLRG in Totleben village, region Pleven, thus helping to the revival of the formier Logopedian school according modern tendencies in the education

2006 - preparation of a project, submitted in the Ministry of education and science of Bulgaria for the formier Logopedian school restoring as a school with programs for professional education and logopedian work for children, who need it

2006 - Organization of a festival with the children in the DOVDLRG in Totleben village, region Pleven dedicated to Christmas, national feast 3rd March in the DOVDLRG in Totleben village and 24th May – the day of the Cyril and Methodiy in the community centre of Totleben
 >> Moments in pictures from the program

2006 - Realization of a project, funded by the National Endowment Fund “13 Centuries of Bulgaria” – REVIVAL OF A BULGARIAN SCHOOL ACCORDING TO THE EUROPEAN STANDARDS in Totleben village, region Pleven, TRADITIONS, RENOVATION, EQUALITY IN RIGHTS
>> Moments in pictures from the program, realized by the children from the Social Home in Totleben within the project, for the celebration of the 3rd of March - the National Bulgarian Holiday

2005-2006 - Preparing for printing, printing and distribution of post charitable cards with the aim of the renovation of the school

2005 - organization of a free placing of the disposal of ДОВДЛРГ in Totleben widnows given by the Institute of Mathematics to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia; organization of their free transportation by the Bulgarian State Railways БДЖ and changing the broken glasses of the school.



Фондация 'Младен и Мария Антонови'