Language Therapy

The original Primary Logopedic Boarding-School was built in 1962 was an undeniable leader among all logopedic schools in the country, it was a base of the University of Sofia ”St. Climent Ohridski”, as well as base of the South-West University in Blagoevgrad. The Boarding-School boasted with its correction work in speech faults and in producing specialist with rich professional experience with the essential contribution and under the methodical leadership of the senior lecturer on Logopaedia from the Sofia University Mrs. Eva Ilieva.

The school’s main power was in its speech therapy in stammer of little and heavy progression, polymorhus dyslalia, children with slowed speech development and alalia. These were corrected with systematic scientific method, applied by specialist on logopaedia, speech-therapists, who are teachers and psychologists. During the methodical therapy with children such progressive methods as automatic training, logorythmics, imagotherapy, culture therapy, music therapy and electronic stimulators are used.

The investigation and language therapy of the children was done under the supervision of therapeutists, psychologists and logopedists. An important role in the consulting commission belongs to Dr. Julia Velcheva – a clinician – psychologists from Pleven.

Фондация 'Младен и Мария Антонови'